Why do they always put reflecting pools by Obelisks?

At many Obelisks, you will see a reflecting pool – to mirror the “image of the beast” – male – 666 – toward the waters in order to create “spawns”. Since in Revelation 11:11, the courtyard has been given to the gentiles, it means that the secret societies only have the “altar” and the brazen laver. In the middle of the Vatican’s solar wheel you will see the four cardinal directions, symbolic of the four horns of the brazen altar, with the male reproductive organ at the center – hence the need for circumcision (removing the male) – aka the obelisk and become the female virgin. But the gentile are uncircumcision – as in they keep their male and stay in this “courtyard matrix” (this is also where the concept of a city square comes from) where they only have the altar (catholic mass) and the baptismal or the reflecting pool. When in Rome you will see Obelisks and fountains everywhere symbolic of the male – sodom (spiritual males) and the sprinkle baptism – aka the reflecting pool or the water. In the Bible you see the idea of a Land beast and a water beast – again Obelisk and water.

Since the Tartarian theory and other conspiracy theories is drawing attention to these Masonic idols as high tech power generators, it is important to note what is going on here, as this is what the Bible refers to as “sacred poles” that the Canaanites would worship. When the “Master Mason, truth through the sun passes Hydra, the great snake” – Manly P. Hall – the Kundalini is summoned as the ancient fire cults have done since the days of Cain. This is the 5th element or as the New Testament uses the word describing the devil as “Prince of the power of Air” such as with these pagan religions talking about the 4 elements (Earth, Water, Fire, and Air) and the 5th being the “Aether” or “Ether”(Hence the 5 pointed star in witchcraft) – I need to do a post on that – this being the Hydra constellation aka the “Leviathan” that sits right around Leo and Virgo constellations. This “energy” is often present during battles and often the gullible masses are told that the obelisk generates this or is a “antenna” for such energy and it vibrates at these frequencies – you see the same concept with “healing crystals” or “energy crystals” being shaped as mini obelisks and the new ager will supposedly charge these crystals in the moonlight for example(this is not needed but as long as they “think” it to be real, is good enough for them to believe that is what is actually happening, rather than what it actually is – demonic forces). According to Revelation 13:13, the land beast – America with its two horns of Jachin and Boaz being controlled by secret societies and the Vatican will call fire down from heaven in the sight of mankind deceiving them – well this is what it is talking about.

Since all wars are fake – as in preplanned and really a sacrificial ritual to the leviathan, during the battle you will read testimonies from people describing very supernatural things taking place during the battle – hence the battlefield / war memorial obelisk connection. Lastly it is a second resurrection symbol for the battle of Gog in Magog spoken about at the end of Revelation – however, rather than them calling the fire down, fire comes down out of heaven from Yah and devours them. Since their rational is: they won’t actually die after the 2nd resurrection (a lie that they tell themselves – hence you see all these religions with reincarnation), they know exactly what the obelisk symbolizes and that is in-fact a second resurrection symbol – hence the reason they put it around gravesites.