Lost Tribe of Dan and Ephraim

Dan is not in Revelation because they went to Celtea / Celts with the Phoencians / Hiram Abiff and started the king lines that colonized the world aka the British isles aka “isles of the gentiles” which if you look up “ships of Chittim” it means “bruiser” aka the line of the serpent aka Dan is a serpent in the path the bites the horse aka he judges the world along with the Vatican(false judgement / mark of the beast / persecution / obelisk worship aka male aka Sodom and Gomorra). Ephraim is not in Revelation because it is symbolic of the “10 lost tribes” or look up the 32nd degree aka the “Royal secret” you will see 9 encampments surrounding the knights of Malta (10 including Malta) is the 10 kings reigning with the whore (the Vatican) for an hour and then eventually turning on the whore. This is the same concept of Ezekiel 28 (king of tyre / Hiram Abiff – a type of Lucifer with the 9 stoned breastplate ) – being the high priest of the knight orders of the world today.