The “10 Lost Tribes of Israel” are the Ten Kings in Revelation

When reading Revelation, many people (even within the 7th day Sabbath keeping churches) miss the notion of who the 10 kings are that reign with the whore for an hour. There isn’t a very clear answer and there are many theories. That is part and parcel of what this website’s purpose is: To shine a light on the upcoming Mark of the Beast which normally manifests in a world war, as many people who do not want to take part in war (a Lucifarian sacrificial ritual) are sucked into the Beast system. Not to mention there are population projections showing a huge decline in global population in the near future.

People need to understand that a “war” is a “great reset” or a “Jubilee” of the land. Because after a war, many people typically come out with great wealth and the wealth in general has been “reset”. A war is also the marriage of Jachin and Boaz (King of the North vs. King of the South) as a means of getting “order out of chaos” – this is their false day of “at-one-ment” – false “most holy” with a false set of 10 commandments – Sunday Sabbath etc… A single obelisk represents that – the union of the two and they are now spiritual males – sodomites. This is why you always see war memorials as obelisks, a means of showing what really happened that day on the battlefield: the Dragon calling fire down from heaven as Revelation 13:13 states.

It is also a second resurrection symbol – which is why they put it at grave sites etc…


Hence the “music playing” in Daniel 3… the “war drums” or “war flutes” of Jubal’s great sacrifice…

Keep in mind the context of the book of Esther. In Esther it was Xerxes I who was the king of Persia and was in a world-wide campaign conquering the middle-east, as that was what the movie “300” was based on: The Greeks vs. the Persians.

One of the climaxes within the book of Revelation is the reign of Jezebel (a type of the Vatican) who had Ahab as a king. Since this was after the split of Israel, with “Ephraim” being synonyms with the 10 northern tribes that left Judah, Benjamin and Levi – they started their own cult center at Bethel. Thus you have the “10” per-say, that became “lost” when they went into Assyrian captivity, never to return – or perhaps some stragglers that became known as the “Samaritans” but as a whole they have become a point of mystery.

(This is why you see the “Samaritans” of today wearing the “Shriner hats” – as the Shriners are high level 33 Degree Masonic Islamic Mystics)

Within many denominations you have theories such as Mormonism claiming the Ten Lost Tribes are the native Americans, or they are somewhere inside a hollow earth (I know it to be flat) or at the North or South Pole. Either way, you can watch many documentaries where they go to virtually any people group that has ever existed and find “traces of Judaism” within their rituals etc… such as cleanliness laws or what have you. Within every people group you will see a mythos of them claiming their lineage to the “lost tribes of Israel”. As far as the Bible goes, Ephraim is used as byword for “Baal worship” or apostasy – an example to be made since they never returned. They remained “lost” for a reason. Yeah they are “lost” alright – as in: gone astray, “wandering stars” or a “bag in the wind”. It is not a compliment when claiming a heritage to the 10 lost tribes. There is a reason Dan and Ephraim are not listed in Revelation.

Within the mystery schools, they all claim a connection with the “10 lost tribes” such as Mormonism or Freemasonry or even the kings of Europe during the dark ages (being the ten toes of the image of Daniel) claiming a lineage to the kings of Israel to justify their divine right to the throne. That is why there is ten toes! It is not just some arbitrary number. These so happen to be the 9/10 planets (they always screw around with Pluto (9 stones 10 including the pontifex – the 10th being the breastplate bearer)) that in the New Testament “left their original habitation” or also called the “wandering stars” – as such the planets were referred to since they are not in pattern such as the zodiacs etc..

Ezekiel 28 lists the king of Tyre (Hiram Abiff – who is the Freemasonic “high priest”) with a 9 stoned breastplate. Compare that list to Exodus 28 and you will see it is missing the 3rd row. Those 3 stones that are missing could very well be the “3 southern tribes” of Judah, Benjamin and Levi. There is many different theories / ways to interpret which stone goes with which tribe but in Revelation, the sixth Trumpet – when the Euphrates dries up, the horse rider has a breastplate of “Jacinth” and “Fire” and “Brimstone” – looking at the Hebrew you can easily make the connection with the Jacinth and Fire stone (the 3rd row of Exodus 28) so you can see an idea of this is the 3 southern tribes. You can find plenty more on my YouTube channel – WheatAmongTares777 – where I discuss this in more depth – but I started this website to chronicle everything since there is plenty of source material to go over.

Shown above is the 32nd degree – the “Royal secret” where they basically say they are really Catholic as many naive lower levels think it to be a “protestant ideology” but in reality it is a false protestantism.

In conclusion Dan is not in Revelation because they went to Celtea / Celts with the Phoencians / Hiram Abiff and started the king lines that colonized the world a.k.a. the British isles a.k.a. “isles of the gentiles” which if you look up “ships of Chittim” it means “bruiser” which is the line of the serpent, the tribe of Dan is a “serpent in the path that bites the horse”. Dan judges the world along with the Vatican (false judgement / mark of the beast / persecution / obelisk worship a.k.a. male a.k.a. Sodom and Gomorra). Ephraim is not in Revelation because it is symbolic of the “10 lost tribes” or at the 32nd degree a.k.a. the “Royal secret” you will see 9 Masonic encampments surrounding the knights of Malta (10 including Malta) which is the 10 kings reigning with the whore (the Vatican) for an hour and then eventually turning on the whore. This is the same concept of Ezekiel 28 (king of tyre / Hiram Abiff – a type of Lucifer with the 9 stoned breastplate ) – being the high priest of the knight orders of the world today.

Darth Vader’s breastplate – 9 items on it with Hebrew – Darth Vader is the Freemasonic high priest – Lucifer. Refer to my blog posts or YouTube – WheatAmongTares777 for more information.

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