America is still subservient to the British crown

2 For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.

3 Therefore* whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.” Luke 12:2-3

I think it is getting pretty obvious to everybody by now (if you are awake) that this is the end game now and we are in the final stages of this world / America and now America will do what it has always been founded to do since its inception – to join the two pillars of Jachin and Boaz ( priest and king / church craft and statecraft) under one office and form an image to the beast (Rome / the Vatican ). This is what the meaning of Revelation 13 is: America, the land beast with the two horns of Jachin and Boaz (church and state separate) to be united and create a false stairway into heaven and call fire down from heaven in the sight of men and deceive those whom have the mark of the beast.

 According to Manly P. Hall, this is that fire mist that exists between the two pillars and when they join Hydra, (the Leviathan’s fire) is called down from heaven. Another way of saying this is the Kundalini Dragon fire – static electricity is a good way of describing it – this is actually what the whole Tesla free energy and supposedly the pyramids were energy generators etc.. etc… is allegorically describing. It is not literally free energy- it is spiritual Hydra, the same Dragon fire that Revelation 13:13 speaks of. 

This is the false Holy Spirit and many churches play with this strange fire and call it: “a Pentecost outpouring” when the person starts shaking etc.. etc.. and has a “Kundalini awakening”. This is none other than the strange fire that Aaron’s two sons were playing with- this takes place during catholic mass (“miracles” such as “transubstantiation”), and many non-catholic church services as well, Masonic Lodges etc.. and as Manly P. Hall states in “Initiates of the flame”: “The Master Mason is in truth a sun… through him passes Hydra, the great snake”… this is the “secret Destiny of America” within the occult / mystery schools – to be the great fire breathing dragon performing false miracles within the sight of men. 

This spiritual hydra is what came out of the Dragon’s mouth in Revelation 12:15 KJVS

[15] “And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood”. This is also known as the “law of water” or Admiralty law (hence the gold fringe around the American flag) verses the law of land. That is why in Revelation you have the sea beast and the land beast, as the land beast becomes subservient to the sea beast. This sea beast is the Vatican and the king lines under it, taking form of the British crown – “Isles of the Gentiles” where Tubal-Cain / Vulcan creates Islands with his volcanos for the inbred Phoenician king lines. The world is still under the very old Phoenician maritime water system – which is why everything is water/sea in Revelation. Of course our very alphabet is the “phonetic alphabet” which traces its roots to the Phoenicians. Keep in mind that there are waters above you as well (Flat Earth / Biblical cosmology) and there is the constellation Hydra / the Leviathan (Levi + thanni = a false priesthood hence the word Levi – again, is the strange fire that Aaron’s two sons were playing with). This “law of water” typically takes form in the monetary system (“current”/ “currency”) or a “corporation” as America is just that – a British corporation. Also, during times of war because the law of land (the constitution in this case or any charter etc…) is overruled by military rule or marshal law (another way of saying Admiralty law). This IS the mark of the beast! Or Obelisk worship – being coerced into fighting a worthless holy war for the Pied Piper, both sides are bad.

It follows simple logic then if one spends more than 5 minutes watching the History channel that the founders of this country were Free Masons, and that America supposedly “gained its independence from Britain”… No, America is / never was a “independent / sovereign country” because to be a high-level politician- you have to be part of a secret society or have strong ties to it, and they all trace their allegiance to the British crown ( hence Scottish Rite or York Rite) and from there, the power structure goes to the Vatican. This is what is known as the “Ten Kings reigning with the whore for an Hour” in Revelation 18.  The 10 kings during the dark ages were synonymous with the 10 toes of the image of Daniel, becoming the 10 fragments of the pagan Roman empire that became Europe – and naturally these inbred king lines still rule us today, except it is all underground- covert rather than overt. Just like drug lords and gangs run 3rd world countries and the politicians have no power, secret societies run 1st and 2nd world countries in the form of “knighthoods”- doing the bidding of the Vatican and the Jesuits of Rome. These 10 kings are the same as the “ten lost tribes of Israel” (known as “Ephraim”) that broke away from the 3 southern tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi, and started their own Baal / sun worshipping cult center at Bethel. This is one of the climaxes of the book of Revelation where king Ahab (of the northern 10 tribes ) had Jezebel as queen and she is a type of the Vatican /the Papacy- the whore of Revelation. 

After the ten lost tribes went into Assyrian captivity, they have become a point of Mystery as to their whereabouts. Many strains of different denominations have theories as to their whereabouts – Mormon’s  say it is the native Americans, or the British Isralism movement claim it to be where the “Germanic tribes” came from that became Europe. This concept of the 10 kings is the same as the 9 Masonic Encampments surrounding the Knights of Malta at the 32nd degree or the “Royal secret” as the initiate finally connects the dots and they realize that they are subservient to the Vatican and the knight orders above them. These 9 encampments are the same as the 9 stones on the King of Tyre (Hiram Abiff), / Lucifer’s breastplate in Ezekiel 28- compare that list to Exodus 28 and you will see Hiram Abiff is missing the 3rd row- very much so the 3 southern tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi. But regardless, the other Hiram in the Bible, the son of a woman of Dan – the bronze worker who fashioned the two pillars of Jachin and Boaz was grafted into the tribe of Dan with the Phoenicians, and migrated / later became known as the “Celts” or “Celtic druids”.