
Circling Jericho with the Ark of the Covenant

The City of Palms = City of priesthood

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    Circling Jericho with the Ark of the Covenant The City of Palms = City of priesthood


  • America is still subservient to the British crown

    “2 For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. 3 Therefore* whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.” Luke 12:2-3 I think it is…

    Read more: America is still subservient to the British crown
  • American Civil War 2.0?

    Washington prophecies:

    Read more: American Civil War 2.0?
  • Freemasons: The Jesuit scapegoats

    As we continue further into the apocalypse, outing the Freemasons while taking their Edomite belief set and rehashing it as the “Tartarian” conspiracy is becoming more and more “mainstream” within the conspiracy realm – which by definition everybody will be conspiracy theorists in a not so distant future as society continues to crumble. When war…

    Read more: Freemasons: The Jesuit scapegoats
  • Lock Ness monster is Hydra / the Leviathan

    So when they do their meditation, this is what is actually going on. They are raising their “vibrational frequency” of their subconscious as they like to say. Cleary the Bible forbids this kind of meditation – where you “empty yourself” – to be possessed by the spirits aka the planets aka the wandering stars. This…

    Read more: Lock Ness monster is Hydra / the Leviathan
  • Who is Gog and Magog?

    Always a point of debate but it is spoken of by the prophet Ezekiel in chapters 38-40 and then mentioned in Revelation again. It is listed with Persia in Ezekiel (mind you it was written before the book of Esther chronologically and is speaking in type of the events that took place during the death…

    Read more: Who is Gog and Magog?