Flat Earth

The attitude indicator: the only proof you need to know the earth is stationary and flat if you are a pilot…

If you were sitting on a ramp, facing East, for one hour, according to them, you should see a pitch change of “15 degrees per hour” on your attitude indicator – 360/24 hours…. It does not exist… and no, there is no “compensation” for this magically built into the instrument…

A key bragging point of gyroscopes is “rigidity in space” – meaning that as the “earth moves” it stays in place… but if it were true that the “earth moves” the attitude indicator would in fact be impossible to understand…

And no, the DG (directional gyro) does not drift 15 degrees per hour “because of the earth rotating”…. it is purely friction on the gyro that causes one to adjust it “15 degrees per hour”… This is quite laughable and shows that high level mystics write the text books…

Another thing to point out is that if one were to fly any amount of distance on a north to south heading or east to west heading (or vice versa) you would see a noticeable change of pitch from where you took-off from to where you landed, as Australia for example would have a different “level” than say China… “Gravity” has absolutely no affect on what the instrument uses to determine what “down” is. Yes, in theory the airplane would find its “new level” but the instrument would show the horizon to be elsewhere.

A good starting point for research is the “Alexander Gleason map” as the flat earth movement uses this as the run of the mill map…

Technically the earth is an “inter-dimensional” plain, ironically best mapped on either two hemispheres or two discs (think of a CD, with the Northern Hemisphere on one side and the Southern Hemisphere on the other), as in fact it does get smaller towards the south beyond the equator… But the Mercator projection works just fine (as that is what the Gleason standard map is). This is why you always see the earth mapped on two circles, they believed the earth to be (flat at this time) they just knew that it had inter-dimensional properties…

This is why the Freemasons refer to their god as the “Great Architect” – it is because Lucifer IS the architect of the spinning-ball-earth, he is not a creator by any means. The Bible is a flat earth book.

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