Freemasons: The Jesuit scapegoats

As we continue further into the apocalypse, outing the Freemasons while taking their Edomite belief set and rehashing it as the “Tartarian” conspiracy is becoming more and more “mainstream” within the conspiracy realm – which by definition everybody will be conspiracy theorists in a not so distant future as society continues to crumble. When war comes to the land, everybody is very aware that no news can be trusted, so what are they now? They are conspiracy theorists.

I’ve been following InfoWars for practically a decade by now (as with many people), and it is pretty much a conspiracy 101 news-site – as in, you can see a general thought “consciousness” / “census” of the conspiracy theorist shift as time goes on. One thing is for sure, there is more and more videos on trashing the Masons in the last year or even 6 months than I have seen the last decade. Does this mean that InfoWars is finally coming into the truth? Absolutely not! They have a Jesuit-driven agenda like the rest of the mainstream, or “alternative media” sites out there. Of course Alex Jones is “in on it” like the rest of them. He has Freemasonic ties like the rest of them – however, when the Phoenix blows itself up, the high level – beyond 33 degrees (Shriner etc.. ) , or just the Jesuits and the Vatican / Knights of Malta / Knights Templar in general will begin outing the freemasons as a Baphomet worshipping cult.

That is why they have the DeMolay and Friday the 13th – as that is when many Knights Templars were burned at the stake and “persecuted” – because they had all of the Vatican’s gold – and to clear their debts to the Knights Templar – the Vatican just wiped them all out rather than pay the interest. So yes, the Masons are a Baphomet worshipping cult, just like the Jesuits, Knight of Malta, the Vatican, and all the other Secret Societies.

The only difference is the Masons are the Vatican’s scapegoats. Just like in Nazi Germany in the late 1930s etc..- the Freemasons were exposed and banned – but what wasn’t banned? Heinrich Himmler and the SS – which was modeled after the Jesuit order. So now we know, as a case example that the Masons become the scapegoat – and anybody that opposes the Jesuit’s agenda will be labeled a Freemason – you see – that is why the Jews were depicted as devils with horns during WWII – it is because the Masons are a spawn of the Jewish Kabbalist – Cube cult – “Seal of Solomon” – or Star of David. That is why they would have to wear the Seal of Solomon – an homage to the Jewish Kabbalist – Freemasonic witchcraft.

So naturally – all of the Freemasons and high-level Jewish Kabbalist would “renounce” their connections and either get off scot free (origin of that saying being “Scottish” “Rite”?) or just join the SS – which has the exact same belief set ironically. And then the lower levels (32 degress and below – 32 “pawns on the chessboard”) and the peasants/ Jewish citizens of Germany had to wear the Seal of Solomon – that is WHY the Germans thought the Jews were devil worshippers with horns – there is always truth mixed in with error.

In summary: the true Children of Israel will be pinned with these things as well – as in – if you don’t join in on the Sunday Sabbath / mark of the Beast – you are a Freemasonic devil worshipper. That is why the Catholic Church fathers says the Anti-Christ will be from the “Tribe of Dan” and enforce keeping the Sabbath on Saturday and Circumcision (see my other posts on the lost tribes) – there is an once of truth in it – most likely that is why the Jesuits had the literal state of Israel become a country again – as an end time distraction. You see- during the dark ages and the Reformation – in the Catholics eyes, the Protestants weren’t followers of Jesus – no the Protestants were Illuminati – enemies of the Catholic Church – devil worshippers – that is why they must be burned at the stake.

So if a Freemason comes to the truth – he will come out of that den of vipers – however the Lucifarians will come out and “renounce” the Freemasons and take up Phrygian caps – Revolutionaries – or Tartarian believers (the 10 kings turning on the whore after they have reigned with her for an hour) – that is what happened during the French Revolution 1798 and will happen again.

From this old map you can now see the connection…
