Simulation Theory / “Plasma Apocalypse” and the EMPCOE

Within flat earth theories is the “Plasma universe” where basically everything is electric – this ties in with the concept that “gravity” is just very similar to say the negative ground and positive atmosphere and the reason we don’t float is because of this force effecting the electrons within our carbon atoms. Which basically segues into the concept that the moon for example is either a reflection or just a plasma circle. That leads into everything being a “simulation” since a computer is obviously electric impulses of 1s and 0s to create a “simulated environment”. Then the mainframe computer would be the cube of Saturn (the night sun) controlling cataclysmic events and is the new-agers explanation of apocalyptic-happenings all around the world. Of course to the Bible literate individual, this is known as the bottomless pit opening up in Revelation aka “Tartarus” being the root of the Tartarian theory. During the Dark ages this was none other than the black cube of Saturn cult, aka Islam come out and push the Catholic rulers back westward. Within the Tartarian theory you have giants and of course the Titans of greek mythos come back and the myths of Atlantis and is very much so a resurrection of the Greek Mythology with Plato etc… This is why in Revelation talking about “Abaddon” it is referencing this name in both Hebrew and Greek – drawing attention to a rehash of Greek Mythology.

David Icke espouses this “Simulation theory” and talks about how people are in a reincarnation trap and one must “free themselves from this cycle”, this is just a rehash of Hinduism and what the eastern mystery religions have believed for thousands of years, being repackaged to the masses in a form they can understand. Within the theory is built upon the sun’s 11 year cycle when it changes its poles and a solar storm happens causing “dark days” and other anomalies such as “stars falling” etc.. known in Revelation as the 6th seal where you have the stars of heaven starting to fall and then the heavens recede as a scroll. The EMPCOE or Electro-Magnetic Plasma Change Over Event is what the simulation theorists use to explain away these strange happenings as being all part of a preplanned simulation – which the “controllers” or the “parasites” main job is to steer mankind into the next cataclysm, making sure to keep some slaves for the next cycle and then rewrite history for the masses. This cyclic routine is the basis for the Tartarian conspiracy and to “break free” from this never ending cycle of human misery – aka “low vibes” is to elevate oneself into a higher plain of existence, and become an ascended master – a Budda or a new age “Christ” who is very different than what true Bible believers believe. This of course goes back into the Garden of Eden in which the forbidden fruit offered a higher knowledge or plain of existence, and escape from the cube – as the Garden of Eden is a cube (referencing the most holy place in the sanctuary and then the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven dress a Bride for Yeshua) – so you have the idea of you either become a “Christ” aka your own god – such as what the devil said in the garden or you marry Yeshuah – two very different concepts but share similar nomenclatures.

To follow this back, you can see a clear trail from David Icke, Jordan Maxwell, and then Helena Blatvasky with her “pre-Adamic” race and Thule and the Theosophists with the circular snake with its head on the tail. A big foundation for this serpent poison is to say that mankind is really spiritual beings and we are trapped in this cube, representing the physical realm and we must escape from the matrix so to speak. Now of course the Bible has a very similar message insofar as we are slaves to sin or the Phoenician overlords or “law of water” which are at the root – our “controllers” so to speak – or the Vatican aka the Dagon fish cult. The great battle that as been going on between the line of Jacob and line of Esau is for thousands of years is not whether or not we are slaves to a demonic system since we are living in a fallen world but rather: which is the true way out of this hellhole that the secret societies and knight orders control. At the root, the high level Lucifarians are big fans of Helena Blatvasky and offer this new age escape from the matrix – so in essence – it is easy to see which is the way of Esau and which is the line of Jacob. Hint: it is not the “simulation theory” – or the Saturn cult.