Starfort conspiracy

Within the Tartarian Conspiracy (a false protestantism) you have this idea of sacred geometry or starforts being aligned with ley lines and other star patterns to “draw in this cosmic energy” aka the Kundalini or serpent spirit or as Revelation 13:13 states – “calling fire down from heaven in the sight of man”. Also included in the conspiracy is that the star forts are some type of high tech cosmic energy generators or that they are openings into the underworld, where a vast network of underground cities are. Sounds a lot like the DUMBS – Deep Underground Military Bases – either way – reminds me of the great men of earth saying to the rocks in Revelation “fall on us and hide us from the face of the lamb” clearly the Elite make war on the creator in various forms and hiding from Him on the day of judgement is one of them.

This is why you always see the image of the dragon and castle – there is a connection with the dragon fire and forts or “sacred geometry” – aka witchcraft.

Are star forts another way of saying the “Tower of Babel”? Another theory on the star forts is that they were built to withstand cataclysmic events such as flooding – That sounds a lot like Josephus in the antiquity of the jews speaking about the Tower of Babel as a way to avoid another global flood where the elite bunker down for the apocalypse such as the castles of old where the inbred rulers of Europe would live in the days of old.

More to follow –