Who is Gog and Magog?

Always a point of debate but it is spoken of by the prophet Ezekiel in chapters 38-40 and then mentioned in Revelation again. It is listed with Persia in Ezekiel (mind you it was written before the book of Esther chronologically and is speaking in type of the events that took place during the death decree of Haman – the Edomite). So Gog and Magog is coming against the unwalled “city”as they have not rebuilt the walls yet- as some of the Israelites came back from Babylon captivity during the kingdom of Persia ( the Ram beast). So of course the Hebrews are scattered in all 127 dominions of Persia and they are living in an “unwalled” village per se. So Mordacai doesn’t want to break 1 of the 10 commandments by bowing down to Haman who is an Edomite on top of that. Haman then learns that there is a people group in the land of Persia ( a type of America or the Land Beast – two horn Lamb / Ram) and living in relatively religious freedom – compared to Babylon or Mystery Babylon – Dark ages – Roman Catholic supremacy.

So now we are painting a picture of the fact that Gog and Magog is associated with the Land Beast – rather than the Sea Beast. After all – they are as the “sand of the sea” in Revelation – clearly a point of one coming / passing from the water to land aka the “Sand Bar” – the very concept originates from the Phoenician “law of water” in the modern courtroom setting – since all Lawyers need to pass the “bar” aka sand bar – which is why you walk into the courtroom – you pass the bar and go into the “deep end” and need an attorney because you are considered a dead man and need somebody to speak for you… and need to get “bailed out” etc.. Yes Jordan Maxwell is big about that – even though he is a big time disciple of Helena Blatvasky, he at least gets some things right – although he always puts his serpent poison in such as saying that the Jews were really a Saturn cult – yeah the Kabbalist are a Saturn cult no doubt – but the “secret doctrine” of the inner circles of the Elite are in fact a Saturn cult and they say that YHWH and the god of the Phoenicians were the same being – this is the lie they tell themselves. They are stuck in the black and white cube paradigm though – the tree of knowledge of good and evil – it is the character they form at a very early age that is what determines how they “see truth” that is why they only have one eye. You will never be able to convince them of it. It is the same thing with the high level Freemasons – as they think they will not be destroyed at the 2nd resurrection – they are now following their Spear of Destiny at this point – the spear that pierced Yeshuah’s side.

So this Saturn cult is one in the same with the “simulation theory” that also many people subscribe to – as in the supercomputer on Saturn that supposedly controls the simulation. David Icke is big on this – and you need to “break out of this Matrix” of the Reincarnation cycle. Okay – sounds a lot like Hinduism right? That is because it is Hinduism. So what goes hand in hand with this theory (really a religion) is the Tartarian Theory where there was this mudflood and bla bla bla.. watch my videos on my YouTube for the overview. So John Gill equates Magog with “Tartaria” and there is a HUGE connection with the Tartars being the Scythians – which Josephus says is Magog.

The Tartarian theory is a mixture of all the classical mythos into one modernized one. Phrygian hats and etc… – images you see during the American Revolution with the “freedom poles” or “Liberty pole “etc.. or the French Revolution with the “Enlightenment” – so the Spirit of the French Revolution is HERE – this is 1798 all over again.

So even the “wisemen” that brought gifts to the Son of Man are depicted like this

And of course you have king Jehu, of the northern 10 tribes / 10 kings reigning with the whore for an hour, paying homage to the king of Assyria, on this obelisk…. Some things never change. He is also the 10th king of the northern tribes since Jeroboam I.

The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III that is in the British Museum. No surprise the king lines of Europe would be highly interested in this.

Oh yes – the “Mithra” cult

After all – the hats were originally made of the scrotum of Bulls. – aka Male – it does look like the other side of circumcision – the thing that is cut off – so they are the uncircumcised gentiles! Sodom – spiritual males – it doesn’t mean literal gay people – although it includes them- but is really referring to spiritual males – the prideful. This is what circumcision is – “cutting off the male”.

So now we can see what Gog and Magog is – easily the Tartarian theory or any “new age” ideology. It is Gnosticism in short – an Enlightened mind – clearly all of the world religions in the highest echelons all believe the same thing.